How can you act if you think you have found a security problem in our systems?
Read the English version here →
At Visma Circle, the security of our systems is very important to us. Despite our concern for the security of our systems, it is possible that there is a weak spot.
If you have found a weak spot in one of our systems, we would like to hear about it so that we can take measures as soon as possible. We would like to work with you to better protect our customers and our systems.
We aim to resolve all issues as quickly as possible and would be happy to be involved in any publication of the issue after it has been resolved.
The basis of this text was written (in Dutch) by Floor Terra and is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
Further changes by Visma Circle (Circle Software Group B.V.) part of the Visma Group.
This policy covers any Visma Circle services, products or web properties.
Most of the reports we receive have little or no security impact or are already known. To avoid a disappointing experience when you contact us, please take a moment and consider whether the issue you are reporting has a realistic attack scenario.
More specifically, we ask that you do not submit issues related to:
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